Body Sculpting Surgery


Don’t you wish you could love every part of your body equally? With body sculpting you can. This is an excellent way to get rid of unsightly bulges permanently and give yourself the silhouette you always dreamed you could have.

The fat transfer method is safe, fast and effective. It ensures you have fat where you want it and not where you don’t.

  • Fat is removed from one area of your body and applied to another to increase volume and plump out your skin to create a more youthful appearance. Wrinkles, creases, sunken cheeks and scars will be significantly reduced.
  • You can improve the contours of your body and face, correct defects and enhance features.
  • Lips can be made plumper using fat transfer.
  • Fat transfer is also used in breast augmentation.
  • Lipo surgery is the means of removing excessive fat from a localised area, such as the hips or abdomen.

  • Treatment Time : 1-2 hours, one overnight hospital stay.

  • Recovery Time : 2 weeks

  • Results Duration : 12 weeks until final result, scars improve over 18 months

  • Price : From £2705

For all enquiries call us on 0121 274 5197


  1. During your consultation with us, we will discuss where you would like fat cells injected and the best place from which to remove it.
  2. During the procedure, fat cells will be removed from the source area and spun in a centrifuge. This is how we prepare the fat to be injected.
  3. The fat is then injected into the desired part of the body using a small needle.
  4. The contours of your body or face will be more flattering and make you look younger.


We will use small syringes to harvest fat from fat rich areas of your body, those areas will depend on the individual. Then, after preparing the fat for use, we will inject it into the required area.

We can add fat where it’s needed. Most commonly, fat transfer is used to treat wrinkles and add volume to lips and breasts.

The area where you have had fat injected will be noticeably replumped, making you appear significantly younger. Although your face and body will continue to age naturally, the effects of fat transfer are permanent, making you appear younger than your years.
A metal tube is inserted into the problem area and excess fat is sucked out.

You will have bruising, swelling and discolouration. The will also be small scars. However, certainly six months following the operation, you should have no further swelling or bruising and your desired body shape will have been achieved.

Find out more about fat transfer and its incredible, unique benefits by calling our team to book a consultation. When you’ve taken years off your body and face, you’ll be glad you did.