Whether you’re struggling with soreness in your eyes due to a problem with your upper or lower eyelids, or you’re not happy with the appearance of your eyes, we can help.
We can perform cosmetic surgery to remove eye bags and excessive skin on the eyelids to rejuvenate your face. We can also eliminate some problems which are causing your eyes to be either too dry or too moist.
- A weakness in the lower eyelid will result in too much moisture gathering in the eye. When the lid becomes slack and falls away from the eyeball, you will experience a pooling of tears. A small operation will lift the lower lid and correct the problem.
- If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes due to excessive eyelid skin causing a drooping appearance, a small procedure can remove the surplus skin and take years off your face. It’s surprising how much older the drooping effect can make you look. This blepharoplasty operation can be carried out on upper and lower lids.
- There’s also a procedure we can perform to remove under eye bags.
For all enquiries call us on 0121 274 5197
- During Blepharoplasty; the operation to correct dropping eyelids, excess muscle tissue, fat deposits and eyelid skin will be removed.
- The incisions will follow the natural creases of the eyelids and be closed again with fine stitches.
- Ice should be applied for the first 24 hours after surgery. You will be advised on how best to do this.
- Stitches will be removed after five days, strenuous physical activity should be avoided for at least a week and sunglasses should be worn for a further two weeks as your eyes will feel sensitive.
The procedure takes two hours and you will be under a general anaesthetic. We will remove excess muscle tissue and fat deposits via the incision that is made in the natural skin creases.
The incisions are closed with very fine stitches. You might have to stay overnight and it may take 1 to 2 weeks for the bruising to disappear. You will have follow up appointments a week afterwards, when the sutures will be removed. There will be another follow-up appointment six weeks after the procedure.
To solve your medical eye problems or the appearance of your eyes, please get in touch. During your initial consultation, we’ll show you exactly what’s possible.
What our patients say.
"looked into this initially for medical reasons as I have an eye twitch and thought it would help the heaviness I felt from heavy lids, but after researching the procedure I felt I would also benefit cosmetically. Following an initial consultation I contacted his secretary who informed me of costs and arranged a mutually convenient date for the operation to go ahead . The hospital arranged a telephone pre-op with me to discuss medication etc with me . The hospital and nursing care on the day was extremely good and at all times i felt safe and informed of what was happening."