Whether your breasts are causing problems with your self esteem, or they’re having a negative physical impact on your body in the form of back or neck pain, we can perform a safe, effective breast reduction that will help you feel happier about your appearance and remove the discomfort you’re feeling.
- Feel less self-conscious and eliminate back and neck pain
- Your breasts will be reduced in size enabling you to find clothes easily and take part in sporting activities without embarrassment.
For all enquiries call us on 0121 274 5197
- You will have discussed with your surgeon the size you want to achieve, during your initial consultation.
- On the day of the surgery, you will have general anaesthetic, before an incision is made in the breast to lift, remove and shape the breast tissue. It may be necessary to reposition the nipple.
- Once the correct size has been achieved, your skin will be sutured and your breasts will be bandaged. It will take a few weeks for the swelling and bruising to go down, but you will notice straight away that you look different, with the weight and strain of your former breasts already reduced.
Your breasts will be swollen and bruised for about two weeks. You may find that a maternity or sports bra is your most comfortable option. You will need to wear a bra at night for at least a month for support. If you experience any pain in your breasts, mild painkillers will help. You may have fine plastic tubes coming out of the skin near the wound on each site. These are surgical drains and they will stay in for about two days.
There may be some fluid drainage from the wound for several days after you leave the hospital but this can be managed with light dressings inside the bra. You should restrict your exercising to stretching and swimming until this improves. We recommend that you avoid heavy lifting or pushing for six weeks after surgery. Expect some loss of feeling in your nipples and breast skin for about six weeks. It takes 6 to 12 months for the final breast contours to develop and for you to see the finished appearance of your reduced breasts.
Anaesthetic risks, haematoma and wound infection are risks associated with having any surgery and there may be some bleeding, which can be aggravated if you are a heavy aspirin user. Sutres can be removed if they cause irritation.
Occasionally some of your nipple skin dies but this is usually superficial and healing will occur. It’s very unlikely that the whole nipple will be lost. Corrective surgery is available if this happens.
DVT is a possibility, but it is more common in smokers, as is slow wound healing which may lead to areas of breakdown in the middle of the breast fold.
The breasts may develop tender lumps inside them, known as fat necrosis, but they’ll settle down after about a year.
Scarring can occur around the nipple, vertically downwards from nipple to breast fold, along the breast fold from near midline to armpit and at the sight of any drains, but these red lines will fade over time. If there is wrinkling along the scars, these wrinkles usually settle with time and you will see an improvement in breast shape when that happens.
We cannot guarantee breast symmetry and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to successfully breastfeed after breast reduction surgery.
For many women, reducing their breast size will improve their outlook on life, their body confidence and the strain on their backs. If you think this could apply to you, please get in touch.
What our patients say.
"I started puberty at a very young age and by the time I reached the first year of secondary school I was already a D cup. It gained unwanted attention from men and boys and I felt like it made me feel i had to grow up quicker than my friends who still looked like 'girls'. Don't get me wrong, by the time I reached my late teens, my boobs were great, big, bouncy and I grew into them. However, 10 years later, after having a baby and just general gravity, they dropped! They got so heavy, so near to my belly button 🙁 they back pain and day to day strain of carrying these cement blocks on my chest just got to much. I hated not being able to take my bra off, at any time, including during intimate times with my partner of 8 years. I went to see my gp who referred me to my ps and my funding was approved!!! I was ecstatic! To say the least. It is everything I expected and wanted it to be. I've had my dressings taken off today and seen the new girls for the first time! I'm a little sore but am literally just taking paracetamol for it. It's so surprising. I'm Thrilled!!!"