Face & Neck Surgery


Embarrassed by the ageing process? Wish you could hold onto your best years for just a little longer? There are many options to help you maintain a youthful appearance for as long as you want.

Whether you’re looking for a full, traditional facelift, or a much lighter option, we can give you a significantly younger look, by reducing your sagging and lifting your face into a natural, rejuvenated position. Feel more confident, feel more optimistic, feel younger!

  • A SMAS full facelift involves lifting the skin on your face upwards and backwards. You will look impressively younger as a result.
  • A MACS lift is a lighter version of the full facelift, that involves a nip and tuck focused on tightening the skin of the lower half of your face. There will be less swelling and bruising.
  • A facelift is often combined with eyelid bag removal for a full facial rejuvenation.
  • A thread lift takes just 45 minutes and there’s no overnight stay. It’s done with a local anaesthetic.
  • A facelift will not improve the appearance of sagging eyebrows or forehead wrinkles. For treatment of this, consider a brow lift and, or Botox.
  • Treatment Time : 2 hours

  • Recovery Time : Discomfort 3-7 days, time off work 2-4 weeks

  • Results Duration : 4 weeks until final result, scars improve over 18 months

  • Price : From £5200

For all enquiries call us on 0121 274 5197


  1. If you’re having a facelift, you will be admitted to the hospital on the morning of your operation and meet your anaesthetist before being taken into theatre.
  2. When you wake up you will be bandaged, with cooling packs applied to your face. The swelling and bruising will settle down in a couple of weeks, but as the tissues remain slightly thickened for a while, you are likely to feel a stiffness in the face and neck that can take up to 2 months to go away.
  3. Once your face has healed, you will look significantly younger.


When you have a facelift, incisions will made in front of the ear and around the hairline. The skin will be lifted and sutured. When you wake up, you’ll be wearing bandages and cool packs will be applied to your face. This is to reduce swelling and bruising. You’ll need to be in the hospital for 2 or 3 nights.

The swelling and bruising will settle down in a couple of weeks. Your sutures will be removed approximately a week after the operation . There will be a feeling of stiffness in the face and neck that may remain for up to 2 months.
You’ll need to keep yourself upright for the week following the operation, with no bending down at all and no smoking. Use pillows to prop yourself up in bed. You’ll be able to have a proper wash after 4 days. The more you rest, the better your recovery.

There are complications with any surgery, which is why you should approach a highly experienced surgical team like my own, as we will do everything we can to prevent those complications from happening.

DVT and haematoma are surgical risks and these are increased if you are a smoker, male, have high blood pressure or are a frequent aspirin user. There’s also a slight chance you could get nerve damage or infection. Nerve damage should subside and infection is treated with antibiotics.

Following your face and neck life, you will appear significantly and naturally younger. Your skin won’t sag and you’ll appear more cheerful. The results are impressive and long lasting. Expect to have your confidence boosted.

To explore all the face and neck lift options available to you in more detail, please give us a call and make an appointment to come in and discuss your requirements with us.


What our patients say.

"Brilliant always felt if I had a problem could just ring him, made me feel relaxed, told me what he was going to do, came to see me before and after surgery to make sure I was fine, even offered to ring my husband to tell him all was well after surgery as I could not find my phone, have seen him 3 times since surgery and he is very pleased with his work ( so am I )"

60 Years Old Patient - Birmingham

Face & Neck Surgery