According to a Daily Mail article, 73% of women worry about their body shape and size every day. Can it really be true that such a high percentage of the population would like to change the way they look?
Is there a part of your body that makes you feel self-conscious? Have you spent hours in your Birmingham gym trying to tone your abdomen, hips, upper arms or thighs, but without success? Perhaps you’ve tried to lose unsightly bulges by losing weight, but instead of your weight loss targeting the desired area, you’ve lost a few inches around, without having managed to shift the problem? This is a very common and frustrating scenario. Quite often stubborn bulges that draw your eye to them in the mirror are not easily shifted through diet and exercise, but instead persist, taunting you, despite your best efforts.
Surgical intervention can help. Liposuction can help. It may seem extreme to have pockets of weight removed via surgery, but it is an effective method, which will work quickly and give you a more attractive figure without having to wait. Additionally with extensively trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon, Demetrius Evriviades, at the helm, you won’t have to worry about your safety being compromised, or not achieving the results you want.
What do liposuction procedures in Birmingham involve?
Liposuction is a body sculpting method, that will remove unsightly bulges and give you a more toned-looking, slender figure. It involves a general anaesthetic to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible during the procedure. Incisions are made near the targeted area, which may be any one of the following;
- Neck
- Arms
- Loins
- Thighs
- Ankles
- Hips
- Abdomen
- Inner knees
A metal pipe will then be inserted under the skin to suck out the excess fat. This procedure is able to remove up to 3 litres of fat. You will then be stitched up and bandaged to reduce swelling. Initially, when the bandages are removed, your skin may be bruised and swollen, but this will settle down after a few days.
There may be some scarring following the removal of your sutures, but the scars will fade in time. What’s most important is that when you look in the mirror, you’ll see the image you wanted to see; your body, but without the bulge that made you feel self-conscious. You’ll have a more attractive figure and as a result, you’ll have more confidence in your appearance.
Are you ready to look and feel more beautiful? Then why not come along to a private, confidential, but informal discussion here in Birmingham with dedicated cosmetic surgeon, Demetrius Evriviades. You’ll be under no obligation to make any decisions there and then, but will simply receive the information you need to make an informed choice about your surgical options and have any questions answered. Please call our reception team to book a consultation and find out exactly how Demetrius can enhance your looks.