How can breast reduction help with physical symptoms?

When your breast size begins to have a physical impact on your health and fitness levels, it may be time to look at what options are available to reduce your breast size and consequently, the pain you’re experiencing. There’s only so long you can spend convincing yourself that a more supportive bra will solve all your problems, if your breasts are truly causing you discomfort.

Back pain and neck pain are the most common symptoms reported by women with large breasts, who may benefit from a surgical breast reduction. Are you experiencing either of these on a daily basis and beginning to feel the strain your breasts are putting on your happiness?

By reducing your breast size, we can remove the strain on your back and neck and help you look forward to a fitter, more comfortable version of yourself. With your breast size reduced, you will be able to exercise more effectively and less self-consciously, as well as experience a boost to your self confidence.

What does breast reduction surgery involve?

Under general anaesthetic, your highly skilled plastic surgeon, Demetrius, will remove fat and tissue from your breasts to reduce the size of them. At the same time your nipples will be repositioned to sit higher on the breast. Your target size will be discussed during your initial consultation, so you’ll have a good idea of what to expect.

Immediately following surgery, you will see narrow tubes, which act as drains, attached to the wound. These will need to stay in for the couple of days that you’ll be spending in hospital. You should expect to be off work for two or three weeks, to allow yourself to heal properly. However, by the time you get back to work, any bruising or swelling that may occur, will have already gone down.

What happens afterwards?

You will wear light dressings in your bra, which should be a sports bra, for a few days afterwards and heavy lifting, along with strenuous exercise, should be avoided for six weeks. As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection and complications, but these are minimal and will be discussed fully with you during your consultation. If you have any concerns following the procedure, you can ring us, or raise any fears at your scheduled follow-up appointments at one week and three weeks after surgery.

Be aware that your breast shape, texture and how much you can feel, will continue developing for several months after surgery. The results of your breast reduction operation will not be complete until up to 6 to 12 months afterwards. Once you see the results, however, what can you expect?

Your breasts will be reduced in size and more flattering. You’ll have more confidence in your body shape and increased self-esteem. Perhaps most importantly, the strain and pain that you were feeling in the neck and back area will be gone, helping you to feel fitter, healthier and happier.

If you’d like to find out more about breast reduction surgery and how it could help you, why not come and speak to Demetrius directly? Please give our dedicated medical reception team a call to book your consultation today.

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