The benefits of facelift surgery

The latest cosmetic facelift trends are focused on non-invasive, non-surgical ‘facelifts’ as provided by dermal fillers and Botox. Both of these are great for a quick fix solution, that will provide you with a subtle, but very temporary lift. However, it leaves you with a dilemma in a just a few months time, when the effects of your filler or Botox treatment subsides.

The majority of people who have experienced a successful cosmetic rejuvenation do not want to return to their formerly ageing face. They want to keep their new look. If this look is provided by an anti-wrinkle injectable, it means you’re going to find yourself back at your cosmetic practice every 3-6 months to have top-up injections and paying a hefty cost each time.

A surgical facelift lasts for far longer. It’s a sounder investment. You’ll look significantly more youthful following the procedure, in a very natural looking way and the effects will last for about 10 years. After 10 years, you can decide whether or not you want further treatment, however, as a facelift is a permanent adjustment, you will always look slightly younger than your peers of the same age, even without having another facelift.

How can a surgical facelift alter your appearance?

A facelift combats the signs of ageing very effectively. Our skin loses its natural elasticity as we age and our collagen levels and muscle tone diminish. When this happens, instead of our skin snapping back into shape, it starts to sag. Having surgery to trim the sagging skin and tighten deep facial tissues, will make you appear more youthful. Deep wrinkles from your face will vanish as a consequence of this surgery, the loose skin on your neck and under your chin will be firmed and you will have a more attractive younger-looking facial and neck contour.

In addition to looking younger, you can expect a huge boost to your confidence, which is likely to also positively affect your mood and outlook. In other words, a surgical facelift can dramatically affect the quality of your life in a great way.

We don’t expect you to make a decision to have surgery, without being fully informed of every step of the process, the realistic results you can hope to achieve and the minimal risks that are involved. That is why we invite you to a free consultation with our highly experienced cosmetic surgeon, Demetrius Evriviades. In this way, you will find out everything you need to know about this surgical treatment and be in a better position to consider all your options. Why not come and find out exactly how many years we can shave off your appearance. Our team will be happy to find an appointment time to suit you.

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